Lisa Schrodt


Hello my name is Lisa and I am know as the squirrel. I am a truckers wife from Nebraska of 20 plus years I have 2 beautiful daughters. I also drive when I need to with my husband other then that I stay at home and keep the backside of the business running with the paperwork and behind the scenes part of being owner operators. We currently haul dry box but have also done livestock hauling which was my husband’s favorite.

When I was asked to be a part of 32 I didn’t think twice and said absolutely I have done alot in the past with mental health as I have my BA is health and human services and specialize in mental health. While I am no professional I knew that I could use my degree to help push forward the mission that was set for 32 Truckers A Day. I love everything about this organization and how strong our foundation is! I have dealt with my own mental health as well as the other 2 ladies so we all understand!

In my spare time my husband and I enjoy mudding events, side by side events, camping, family time and loving on our 3 fur babies. I can be found on all social media platforms as spoiled squirrel!